Puppies in three weeks (?)

So I basically just got back from school, school ended for like 1hour ago. But anyway, today the Freshmen and Sophmores are playing football games against another school (can't remember witch one haha). I don't know if I'm gonna go and watch again, since they are having 2games. It's gonna be more then 4hours standing/sitting down, first in the heat and then in the cold.

Otherwise we are going to Walmart to shop some stuff for tomorrow, or the whole weekend. So I'm going to buy some shoes, clothes and something to eat while we are driving. It takes about 5-7hours to get there, and I have to play with little baby Deucalion in the car (witch is really fun, because he laughs so cute), plus the dogs are coming with aswell. Haha!

So now I should probably check what I'm going to shop, and then we will probably go to the store :) 

These are my two little babys (: And the smallest one (Ruska, the one looking down) might have puppies in three weeks!


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