You better watch out now!

Haha, well we had the policeman coming over to the church meeting to teach uf girls how to defend ourself if someone attacks us.

So he showed us alot of good stuff, and so now! Don't try to mess with us, because we now what to do if you attack us ;) And you will be suprised if you knew what we can do, so I won't tell you.

But it was a lot of fun learing the stuff, we laughed a lot and I got to know some new stuff on how to defend yourself. I actually think that they sholud teach, at least the girls, in school or somethin for free, how to defend yourself if anyone attacks you.

He told us about a girl that choosed the wrong way to her friend, and ran into a guy that just had escaped from prison. She's still in the hospital, her face is mashed up and it was for 3months ago this happend.

But otherwise, right now I'm waiting to go to sleep, I need my sleep. But we have to wait a little while :)

Tomorrow is the last day of school this week, so the next school day is on THURSDAY! Just because of labour day :)
Now I should probably get preperd for bed so good night :)

Postat av: Mamma

Hoppas du får en härlig helg och att vädret blir bra. Kom ihåg varma kläder till natten :-)

2010-09-02 @ 08:18:10

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